Induced Seismicity Consortium quarterly meeting

The First quarterly meeting of the Induced Seismicity Consortium (ISC) took place on USC Campus on December 10, 2012. We had about 20 participants in person and about as many connected through audio/video-conferencing. It began with and Overview and Status Report of ISC by Fred Aminzadeh (FA). It continued with Brief Project Presentations by selected team members, including FA, Charles Sammis and Julie Albright.

Two breakout sessions were held. During those sessions the Strategic Advisory Board (SAB)and theTechnical Advisory Board (TAB), coordinated by Don Paul and Iraj Ershaghi respectively.

Some of the SAB discussion topics included:

  1. Strategic Directions and Project Prioritization
  2. Specific discussion of the Youngstown injection well study opportunity
  3. Regulatory process engagement guidelines and priorities
  4. External communication guidelines and priorities


Some of the TAB’s Discussion Topics were:

  1. Technical  Directions and Task Prioritization
  2. Complementary Projects: GTI Simultaneous Recording, RPSEA, New Proposals
  3. Candidate Test beds and data availability


Highlights of SAB and TAB meetings were provided by Don Paul and Iraj Ershaghi This was followed by a   Joint Brainstorming Session of TAR and SAB participants.


Suggested deliverables and timeline:

  1. Youngstown (Eastern Ohio) – develop injection rate, then develop an automated response system that can increase and decrease injection to make steady (timeline by quarter)
  2. Companies providing data sets to benefit from (real time data)
  3. Induced Seismicity or better interpretation of micro seismic
  4. Predictive aspects using technologies from other industries
  5. Use social media to communicate


The items included in SAB and TAB highlights include:



Database proprietary, restricted internal and public (one other) meet 2 weeks before March meeting to define database boundaries, and classification of data (where it goes)
Communication protocol (dos & don’ts list) sensitivity issues
Include trade groups on distribution list as observers (feel out for potentials, chamber of commerce)



Have a good understanding of one or two data sets
Quarterly deliverables
Using datasets that have the least amount of strings attached so all results can be shared quickly
Develop workflows
Frequent communication







Victor Ziegler, SAB Chair








Martin Karrenbagh, TAB Chair


At the conclusion of the SAB and TAB meetings, Dr. Victor Ziegler of Occidental Petroleum and Dr. Martin Karrenbachof SR2020 were elected as the SAB and TAB Chairs for one year.   The next Quarterly meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2013.

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